Digital Marketing Trends for 2021

Ronn Torossian
3 min readOct 20, 2020

Whenever the new year gets closer, there is an increased interest in innovation in marketing and digital marketing trends. It’s a great way for marketers to identify any new potential opportunities to tap into for the new year and for many businesses to reach bigger growth. Many marketers are already interested in what’s to come to the end of a year like no other, with many different events shaping up consumers’ behavior.

However, at the highest levels, most digital marketing trends tend to be similar year in, year out, with the most popular ones usually being social and email marketing, search, web design, and some interesting content marketing techniques that engage audiences.

Fortunately, plenty of people are cautiously optimistic about the next year, despite all the craziness of the current one.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

There has been a steep increase in automation and new advertising channels, which means that conversions are more important than ever. Marketers should be applying best practices for conversion rate optimizations in order to translate into great return on investment (ROI).

With an increase in mobile device use, marketers should make sure websites are optimized across all devices by adding responsive ad formats. Additionally, by making personalized experiences for users and tracking data to make sure what’s working and what should be improved, they can get the most out of their CRO.

Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising

In the new year, pay-per-click advertising will become even more important to marketers; however, their execution is going to be a bit different. With the increased audits into data privacy and the introduction of more legislation, there is going to be limited access to search queries and keyword data in the new year. Businesses who violate regulations will be faced with high fines, yet, on the other hand, the customers are looking for personalized experiences from brands.

Fortunately, there are ways to adapt to this new situation while also targeting specific demographics with PPC campaigns, with a big emphasis on protecting consumer data. Additionally, with Google’s responsive search ads (RSAs), it’s easier for businesses to create ads without having to find which descriptions and headlines work together.

Paid Social Ads

This year, paid social advertising has seen a tremendous increase, and that’s set to continue into next year. There are plenty of great advantages to paid social ads, including highly targeted ads, among other things. There are plenty of ways for marketers to reach consumers between social media ads and in-app shopping options.

With the addition of video ads in live streaming form, consumers can be entertained and promoted to at the same time. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn Ads, the opportunities for businesses and marketers to reach big audiences are practically endless.

Combining these strategies wisely is the best way to get great reach on any campaign and quickly and efficiently grow a business.

Ronn Torossian is the CEO and Founder of 5W Public Relations. 5W PR is a leading digital pr and influencer marketing agency.



Ronn Torossian

Ronn Torossian is Chairman & Founder of 5WPR, one of America’s leading & largest PR Agencies and the Author of the best-selling PR book: "For Immediate Release"