Five ways PR can improve your company culture

Ronn Torossian
3 min readDec 14, 2018
Five ways PR can improve your company culture by 5WPR CEO Ronn Torossian

If you think a public relations agency is only beneficial for managing your company’s external relationships with the media and customers, then think again. There are many ways in which a PR firm can help improve company culture. Having a strong and positive company culture is essential for business success and employee morale. Here are five ways in which a PR firm will have a positive influence on your company culture:

1. Getting an objective outsider’s view of your business

A PR firm can provide vital information about your business, providing an objective view of your organization. PR firms usually have dealt with a number of organizations and they can use this experience with other organizations to provide insight into what your company is doing right or wrong in terms of building a company culture. Furthermore, they will have insights into what current trends and practices are used to promote company culture.

2. Better transparency

Improving transparency in a company can be a great way to enhance the company’s culture. A PR firm will be able to clearly articulate the goals and challenges of an organization to their employees. Employees tend to be frustrated or unmotivated when goals aren’t clear to them. This is what PR firms do best — articulate information clearly. This information should be provided to both internal and external stakeholders so that everyone is on the same page, improving overall transparency and making employees feel more connected to the organization and its values.

3. Improving organizational design

A PR firm can be a great tool to improve the organizational design of a company and as a result, improve company culture. A PR firm can be hired to create a top-to-bottom organization strategy, focusing on making sure that everyone in the organization feels included and the hierarchy doesn’t seem so rigid, which will benefit the company in the long run. A well thought out organizational plan, thus, can be a great morale boost for the employees!

4. Evaluating employee engagement

A PR firms major goal is to improve business reputation, which makes them skilled in understanding consumer, public and media engagement. These skills can be used internally in an organization by using a PR firm to test employee engagement. PR firms can use various tests to determine the overall engagement and satisfaction of employees, which can help companies understand how happy their workforce is. This process can also be used to find out what employees would like to see change or improve to better company culture.

5. Reputation building

Finally, enhancing a company’s culture can be done by using a PR firm for its major purpose, i.e. improving reputation. PR firms will use the various tools at their disposable to create a positive image of your company and mitigating any risks to the company’s reputation. All of this will work in favor for your company culture, as employees will have more pride in working for a company that is seen positively in the public eye. This will result in a happier and more motivated workforce!

Ronn Torossian is the CEO and founder of 5WPR.



Ronn Torossian

Ronn Torossian is Chairman & Founder of 5WPR, one of America’s leading & largest PR Agencies and the Author of the best-selling PR book: "For Immediate Release"