Reaching Older Consumers

Ronn Torossian
2 min readDec 26, 2022


According to research, the one generation of consumers that companies have the most trouble reaching these days are older consumers, also known as Baby Boomers. Since they are the oldest generation of consumers that companies tend to market to, and have a significant amount of purchasing power, it’s important for businesses that want to market to them to be able to reach them. However, the purchasing behaviors and habits of this generation of consumers are significantly different from other generations, simply because they go about discovering products in different ways. While many companies understand that some of the best ways to reach younger generations of consumers are through search engine optimization and social media platforms, as well as streaming services or YouTube, that’s not quite the case with Baby Boomers.


One of the best ways for companies to reach Boomers is of course, through advertising campaigns, however, they have to be executed on different platforms than the ones younger generations prefer to use. More specifically, an effective way that companies can reach older generations of consumers is through advertising campaigns on TV. This is, by far, the most popular way for older generations of consumers to discover new products and it significantly impacts their purchasing decisions.

Digital search

Another effective way that companies can reach this older demographic of consumers is through an online search, however, once again, Baby Boomers are using digital search in a different way from younger generations of consumers. While younger generations of consumers, such as millennials and Generation Z prefer looking up information on search engines from devices like their smartphones and tablets, when it comes to older generations of consumers, they prefer to search for things via their computers. This means if a company is trying to reach this older generation of consumers, it has to invest in creating high-quality content that is going to cater to the interests of this demographic so that they can more effectively influence their purchasing decisions and help them discover the right products.


Finally, another way that this older demographic of consumers prefers to find new products that greatly influence their purchasing decisions is brick-and-mortar stores, and more specifically, retail stores. According to research, over 40% of consumers in this demographic have managed to find a product that they needed and ended up purchasing it inside retail stores directly. Nearly 40% of these consumers have also stated that going to stores is one of their favorite ways to find new products that they might purchase, which is not the case with other younger generations of consumers, as most younger people prefer to do a lot of their shopping online, where they can access all kinds of different solutions that they need, quickly compare prices and more.



Ronn Torossian
Ronn Torossian

Written by Ronn Torossian

Ronn Torossian is Chairman & Founder of 5WPR, one of America’s leading & largest PR Agencies and the Author of the best-selling PR book: "For Immediate Release"

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