Breaking Down the Stigma Around CBD Brands
The cannabis industry in the US is worth over $20 billion and is still growing. That’s despite the fact that the legality of its product derivatives tends to vary in different states, or that it’s not federally legal. Despite all the contradictions, CBD brands can use their communications efforts in an effective way. Such efforts can break down some of the stigma and general disinformation that’s been circulating for decades now about these types of products. The disinformation and contradictions have created a lot of challenges for any company in the CBD and cannabis market. That’s true with marketing efforts as well as communication. Even some of the biggest communication channels like Facebook, and Google aren’t willing to host any cannabis-related ads and promote them to their users.
Education is the first thing that every CBD company will have to do to be able to break down disinformation, and stigma around its solutions. That means letting the general public in on all of the benefits of these types of products. The public also needs to learn more about what the products can be used for. For example, companies can educate the public on the fact that hemp and marijuana are completely different plants. Another point is that CBD doesn’t produce the high that many people have a stigma around, because it doesn’t have a high psychoactive substance content. That’s because CBD is derived from hemp and provides users with a natural sense of calmness and it is a natural phytocannabinoid.
Benefits are another important thing that CBD brands need to highlight to the general public and their target audiences. These products have undergone tests to prove their safety and efficacy in treating a wide range of health issues. In the treatment of health issues that range from chronic pain to insomnia and countless others, the proof is in the results. With more CBD brands trying to create unique products and solutions that anyone can use, the market will continue to grow as will company’s need to continue to work at breaking down the stigma and disinformation that’s been enveloping CBD products.